2020 on track to be one of the 3 warmest years on record, U.N. report warns

This week on “Sunday Morning” (December 6)

Second shot no-shows could undermine COVID-19 vaccination efforts

The Takeout Podcast: A CBS News original political podcast

Keto Chimichurri Meatballs Recipe

Most people enjoy meatballs in savory pastas and sandwiches, slathered in a rich sauce. While these scrumptious meaty morsels complement various – https://recipes.mercola.com/keto-chimichurri-meatballs-recipe.aspx
Personal Trainers Wife, 29, Who Was Exercising Five Times a Week Makes ONE Lifestyle Change

Proof the right diet works: Personal trainer’s wife, 29, was exercising five times a week but progressing little until she made ONE simple dietary change and quickly dropped 15 kilos keto diet – https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-6350631/Personal-trainers-wife-29-exercising-five-times-week-makes-ONE-lifestyle-change.html
Let’s Talk About Fat

I had listened intently while she explained the workings of a ketogenic diet – https://www.livemint.com/Leisure/ygoRr9KfZZfxxdgdW6CtgK/Lets-talk-about-fat.html
Know What’s in Your Food

Consumers should be aware that the nutritional information found on a food label is based on one serving of that particular food. – http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/your-health-your-wealth/know-what-s-in-your-food_148672?profile=1470
Experts Advise Preventive Measures to Fight Pneumonia

Parents get worried if children are sick and spend millions on the disease but precautions can avoid loss – https://tribune.com.pk/story/1840141/1-experts-advise-preventive-measures-fight-pneumonia/