What Is Keto Flu or Low Carb Flu

What Is Keto Flu or Low Carb Flu Emoji

Best Way to Get into Ketosis Quickly

The “keto flu” is an identity given to carbohydrate withdrawal symptoms that may occur in individuals who start a low carb diet that results from altered hormonal states and the electrolyte imbalances that may occur with it. In other terms, it describes a cycle in the body adapting to a recently started low carb diet.

Keto stands for ketogenic, a very strict low carb intake plan. The name should be “low carb flu” since the ketogenic diet is not the only low carb diet plan.

What Are Keto Flu Symptoms

Not at all individuals are alike, so the symptoms can vary from nothing to mild to a full-scale flu-like condition, and include

  • Lightheadedness
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Mental Fog and difficulty focussing
  • Cramps  and sore muscles
  • Mood swingsirritability, and cravings
  • Headaches
  • Stomach pain and constipation or diarrhea
  • In some extreme cases, high blood pressure and arrhythmia

Does Keto Flu Last Long?

NHO Keto BHB ketosis supplement fontThe period for keto flu varies for each person. While some people may have slight and even unnoticeable symptoms for a day or two, others might have a more severe symptom for a week or two and no more than a month at most; it depends on how quickly your body adapts to a reduction in carbs.

Once keto flu is over, you can expect an enormous surge in energy levels, and once that sugar habit fully kicked, frequently people feel better than ever.

Being patient as your body adapts is key, and know that it will pass, and if it does not, you should seek the attention of a qualified medical professional. For most people any symptoms that occur end within two weeks’ time.

A Misunderstood Condition of Keto Low Carb Flu

People who experience keto flu after going on a low carb diet are sometimes forced to believe that they are suffering due to the diet they are on, and carbs are good for the health after all.

However, this only shows how dependent they have been on carbs, as their body is trying to survive without carbs and sugary substances.

In truth, carb intake, and especially refined carbs that come from processed food, sugar, sugary foods, and drinks is at epidemic levels, and carb addiction is rampant in the United States and other parts of the world.

It’s not your fault, those carbs are everywhere, congratulate yourself on making changes for the better with a low carb diet!

How To Reduce Keto Flu Effects

Keto flu can be nerve-wracking, no doubt, it is also sometimes a necessary evil. However, some things can be done to reduce the symptoms if they appear.

Replenish your electrolytes: Lack of electrolytes in the body is one of the major causes of keto flu. Electrolytes are the minerals found in the body, and they affect its water content, the acidity of the blood and functionality of the muscles.

Additionally, low carb diets feature lower insulin levels that can signal the kidneys to discard excess water, making you drink more, and this results in flushing out electrolytes, where sodium, potassium and magnesium deficiencies can occur. You will have to replenish them by using supplements and with food.

  • Add in some salt: Normally, the average diet is overloaded with salt, but a ketogenic diet eliminates refined and processed food and focuses on eating whole real food, so when you start keto you will naturally reduce salt intake, which reduces water retention. Since a low carb diet is naturally diuretic, there is no need to worry about water retention.
    Generally, 5 grams of salt daily is ideal for keto flu and to replenish electrolytes; you can also get it from drinking 2 cups of broth or adding soy sauce and other sauces that have potassium to your meals.
    Bone broth works well, and only requires the simmering of chicken, beef, lamb or any meat bones in water for about a day, or even canned broth or stocks from the store works well too, make sure to read the labels for added ingredients or preservatives that you do not need. Drippings from cooked meat have a high concentration of potassium, so use them to make sauces.
  • 300 mg of magnesium will be good to take in supplement
    Supplements like Keto BHB have Magnesium, Calcium beta and sodium beta.

How to Get into Ketosis Quickly?

Taking supplements like NHO Keto BHB will diminish your keto flu and put you into ketosis quickly while on low carb diet and at the same time fuel your body with energy and mental focus.

Keto flu is a process that most dieters undergo while starting their weight loss or weight gain journey. While some can’t avoid it, you can reduce symptoms while your body adapts.

I strongly recommend taking NHO Keto BHB Supplement or any another brand it will help you on your keto low carb diet.

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