Sedentary Disease 101 – Sitting Illness

Sedentary Disease lifestyle

Sedentary Disease and Its Impact on Human Health

Sedentary disease, which is more commonly known as sitting disease, is a rapidly growing issue in today’s world. According to WebMD,1Source WebMD Read More ➥ we are more geared to convenience and labor-saving; many people find themselves unhealthy.

Today’s society’s general activity level is decreasing thanks to computers, automation, and especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, a growing tendency to work from home.

What Causes Sedentary Disease?

The most significant contributing factor to sedentary disease is the length of time we spend daily in a seated position. If we commute to work, we are likely seated either on public transport or in our cars. At work, many people find themselves sitting at a desk for hours at a time, standing very seldomly.

Outside of work, many people rely on labor-saving methods to order groceries and run other errands. With banking apps, we seldom find ourselves going to the bank, and with shopping sites, we often need to walk no further than our front door to collect the things we ordered. Essentially, the physical ease of daily life increases the risks to our health.

Video gaming and television watching are more popular than ever, leaving us sitting in front of a screen for hours at a time.

What Are the Dangers of Sedentary Disease?

According to the Mayo Clinic,2Source Mayo Clinic Read More ➥ when we sit for long periods, we use far less energy than we would while standing and moving around. This lack of movement can lead to many health concerns such as obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and elevated cholesterol.

With limited movement, weight gain and obesity are real, and muscle tone can diminish, leading to worsening health concerns.
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Spending hours sitting in the same position can also lead to posture and back issues related to being stationary.

Why We Need to Move

Sedentary Disease or ExerciseAccording to the Mayo Clinic,3Source Mayo Clinic faq Read More ➥ we require physical activity daily to help us thrive in several different ways. Exercise helps us control our body weight by allowing us to burn the calories we consume from our daily food intake; this can mean physical activity or just finding time to move around at a sedentary job.

  • Healthy exercise will stave off medical conditions, which, if left unaddressed, can lead to serious long-term issues.
  • Getting exercise releases chemicals in the brain which help improve your mood; this can be beneficial, especially for those with stressful professions.
  • Exercise helps you feel more energetic and enables you to get a more restful sleep at night. Using up your energy during the day enables you to be more relaxed in the evening.

How To Avoid Sedentary Disease

Some people’s lifestyles make it difficult to get exercise and avoid long periods in a seated position. However, some tips may help limit the time in a seated position, which can significantly impact your health.

  • Get some type of movement every day, where you walk, play sports, or run with your dog; the point is to get up and move.
  • Walk around your house for 5 minutes every 2 hours.
  • Watch less TV and play a lesser amount of video games.
  • Try to stand for a few minutes every 30 minutes, even if it is just at your desk.
  • If you get a phone call that does not require you to be seated, get up and walk around the room while you talk.
  • Use a standing desk at work which allows you to work standing for part of the day.
  • If you cannot get outside to walk, invest in a simple treadmill so you can get in some exercise during your time at home.

Final Thoughts

The sedentary disease can be difficult to avoid at times, but it is essential to do whatever you can to counteract the condition.
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We must not allow ourselves to use our jobs or the ease of an automated world, the excuse not getting exercise.


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